In this week’s installment of our recurring series, a rainstorm disrupts Class Day, a London newspaper points to Princeton as a positive example to follow, and more.
June 22, 1926—A silent film about the experiences of the Class of 1926 is screened at the Garden Theatre. Admission is free.
June 24, 1872—When a sudden rainstorm disrupts Class Day, attendees make a mad dash for the Presbyterian church nearby. The Nassau Literary Review will report, “After one or two fainting fits, and a good deal of excitement and unnecessary haste on the part of the ladies, the church was packed…”

June 25, 1959—In a London Times article urging greater appreciation for tigers as a species, the unnamed author suggests readers should model their veneration for tigers on Princeton’s: “We seem to remember that the war cry of one great American University—perhaps Princeton—begins ‘Ra, Ra, Ra, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger.’ That is the sentiment.”
June 26, 1805—A letter to the editor of Trenton’s Miscellany lampoons a type of Princeton student the writer calls “Dashing Student”:
He must not know a single word of Latin or Greek. That would be too much like a scholar: it would not suit the dignity of his character. And as to attending prayers regularly in the morning, it is entirely out of the question. Why, rising too early would absolutely kill him: his constitution is too delicate: he could not possibly bear it. … Above all things, let him remember, that he who spends the most money, will have the most companions. Let the money flow from his purse, like water, in a constant stream from the spring: Let him always suppose that his purse, like it, will be inexhaustible.
For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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2 responses to “This Week in Princeton History for June 20-26”
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These are always fascinating. Thank you so much. Keep them coming