This Week in Princeton History for March 10-16
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, controversies over a student publication are intensifying, a stereopticon lecture includes colored images, and more.
This Week in Princeton History for March 3-9
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, alumni push for archives, a Supreme Court justice tells an audience to “Get over it,” and more. March 4, 1896—Alumni ask the Library to collect information on the history of the institution, saying “there is a most inadequate collection of Princeton Memorabilia at our service.” March 6,…
WPRB’s 1970s Identity Crisis
Originally known on the AM broadcasts as WPRU, the station’s primary audience was the campus community at the time of its founding. When a new FM license greatly expanded the broadcast range in 1955, questions on WPRB’s identity came to a head: What was WPRB? Was it a college station and extracurricular activity or a…
This Week in Princeton History for February 24-March 2
By April C. Armstrong *14 In this week’s installment in our recurring series, a professor faces a choice, a visitor remarks on campus culture, and more. February 26, 1869—The Board of Trustees meets at the request of Prof. Joshua Hall McIlvaine, Class of 1837, to reconsider their decision to reassign the Professorship of Political Economy…
This Week in Princeton History for February 17-23
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, dueling students seem to reach a truce, an alum confesses to 1890s pranks, and more.
This Week in Princeton History for February 10-16
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, John Quincy Adams declines to donate, an alum witnesses a brawl in Congress, and more.
This Week in Princeton History for February 3-9
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, an old sport is revived, activists are prevented from speaking, and more.
Dear Mr. Mudd: Who Was Princeton’s First Catholic Student?
Who was the first Catholic student to enroll at Princeton University?
This Week in Princeton History for January 27-February 2
By April C. Armstrong *14 In this week’s installment in our recurring series, the preceptorial system is changing campus culture, locals are impressed with a new professor, and more. January 27, 1906—The Princeton Alumni Weekly writes that the new Preceptorial System is changing things: the strenuous midnight-oil habit, the invigorating cold-towel-around-the-head stratagem vs. sleep, and…
This Week in Princeton History for January 20-26
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, an alum joins a gold rush, a student writes a very long sentence, and more.