By April C. Armstrong *14
In this week’s installment in our recurring series, the women of the Class of 1973 are still newsworthy, an alum celebrates his 87th reunion, and more.
June 17, 1864—Controversies continue on campus this evening over the Copperheads and Clement Vallandigham, their best-known leader, after “rebel sympathizers of the College” had a bonfire the previous night to cheer for Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy, and Vallandigham. As will be reported,
This proceeding so aroused the indignation of the loyal students that they resolved to show to the friends of Nassau that such conduct could not be tolerated here.
The students burn Vallandigham in effigy, parade through town waving the Stars and Stripes, and give speeches around their own bonfire “indicative of the common feeling to stand by the country, and to wipe out Treason, North or South, whether manifest in open rebellion or clothed in the garb sham of Democracy.”
June 20, 1983—NBC’s Today Show begins a weeklong series on the women of Princeton University’s Class of 1973 ten years after the official beginning of coeducation.

June 21, 2012—Malcolm Warnock, Class of 1925, is on campus to celebrate his 87th reunion at the age of 107. He is the only alum known to have done so in the history of the institution.
June 23, 1941—Time magazine reports that an idea from George Ernest Cranmer, Class of 1907, has come to fruition after four years of construction. What will be known as Denver’s Red Rocks Amphitheatre has been tested with an orchestra and choir concert.
From a bare, rocky hillside near Denver one night last week came such sounds as the great U.S. outdoors had seldom heard… Next beneficiary of its pin-drop acoustics will be a conference of Methodists.
For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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