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Author: April C. Armstrong *14

  • This Week in Princeton History for April 27-May 3

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, James McCosh is elected president of the College, thousands turn out to witness Firestone Library open for the first time, and more. April 27, 1980—Princeton Against Registration and the Draft (PARD) holds its second…

  • This Week in Princeton History for April 20-26

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, Jesse Owens poses, John F. Kennedy speaks, and more. April 20, 1942—Jesse Owens talks with Princeton’s Creative Sculpture class while he poses for a piece in Joe Brown’s series of sculptures of American athletes.…

  • Dear Mr. Mudd: War, Epidemics, and Suspended Classes at Princeton

    Q. Dear Mr. Mudd, Has Princeton University ever had to close the campus before? Or have a lot of students been displaced and had to leave and/or study at home for some other reason in the past? A. In 2020, Princeton University suspended residential instruction after Spring Break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was…

  • This Week in Princeton History for April 13-19

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the Princetonian takes over the function of the Bulletin Elm, the baseball team plays its first game, and more. April 15, 1975—Two students receive a letter offering admission to Princeton in error on or about…

  • This Week in Princeton History for April 6-12

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, Evelyn College trustees vote to include women on their board, a shanty in Firestone Plaza demonstrates anti-apartheid sentiment, and more. April 6, 1895—The Board of Trustees of Evelyn College votes to expand so its…

  • This Week in Princeton History for March 30-April 5

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the library receives a new gift of F. Scott Fitzgerald correspondence, a campus publication rails against women’s suffrage, and more. March 31, 1967— Charles Scribner Jr. ’43 presents the Princeton University Library with Charles…

  • Demystifying Mudd: Research from Home

    Mudd Library is closed right now for renovations, and many of our researchers are practicing social distancing. Though some projects will be on hold, the good news is that if you are at home reading this right now, you have a lot of options for remote research. Some resources are available to all, while others…

  • This Week in Princeton History for March 23-29

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the first intercollegiate gymnastic league meet is held, graduate school is offered as an option for confused seniors, and more. March 23, 1900—In the first-ever intercollegiate gymnastic league meet, Princeton’s team earns a silver…

  • This Week in Princeton History for March 16-22

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the town is raising money to pay for sprinkling the streets, Robert Goheen defends free speech on campus, and more. March 18, 1991—On today’s episode of Sally Jesse Raphael, the Princeton University band surprises…

  • This Week in Princeton History for March 9-15

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, Martin Luther King’s visit to campus is attracting controversy, a new card-playing club forms, and more. March 9, 1989—A bomb threat—the third in two weeks—cuts midterms short for three classes forced to evacuate McCosh…