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Tag: Theater

  • This Week in Princeton History for November 15-21

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series, Blair Hall gets a new electric clock, Noah Webster gives a Princetonian credit for an idea, and more. November 16, 1899—The Alumni Princetonian notes that a clock has been installed on the Blair Hall tower and will be powered by electricity. November 18, 1821—Noah Webster writes that…

  • Yellowface in Princeton University’s 20th-Century Triangle Club

    Yellowface in Princeton University’s 20th-Century Triangle Club

    Recently, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about the history of racism at Princeton University. As we’ve worked to help those trying to research this topic, we realized that we’ve highlighted some types of racism more than others on this blog. In order to help researchers locate materials that may assist them in constructing…

  • This Week in Princeton History for February 18-24

    In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, hazing makes national headlines, McCarter Theater opens, and more. February 18, 1878—During a particularly severe outbreak of hazing, a gunfight breaks out on Nassau Street between freshmen and sophomores, with one student being shot…

  • Guide to Princeton-Related Theater Collections Now Online

    Princeton students in The Honorable Julius Caesar, the 1892-1893 Triangle Club production. From AC122 Triangle Club Records box 93. From Triangle and Intime to the Princeton Mime Company, Quipfire!, and many more, all collections in the Princeton University Archives related to campus theater groups and venues are now described online and available for research in…