In this week’s installment of our ongoing series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, John F. Kennedy urges students to enter politics, the campus bids farewell to a landmark, and more.
April 25, 1957—Senator John F. Kennedy addresses the Class of 1957 in Dillon Gymnasium, urging their involvement in politics as “intellectuals…who deal with the truth, unlike politicians who deal in half-truths—in order to keep the voters’ interest.”

April 26, 1997—Mike Beer *95 and Jason Rudy ’97 are the first same-sex couple to marry in Princeton University Chapel.

April 27, 1987—A “Communiversity” festival is held, uniting town and gown in Princeton. Over 7,000 attend, inspiring organizers to make it an annual event.

May 1, 1888—The Bulletin Elm, long a beloved landmark at the College of New Jersey (Princeton), is chopped down due to decay. Students seize remains of the tree as souvenirs.

For last week’s installment in this series, click here.
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