In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, a controversial statue finds a home on campus, ticket scalping for sporting events is causing concern, and more.
November 17, 1978—Princeton accepts a statue Kent State University rejected, George Segal’s “Abraham and Isaac,” which memorializes the Kent State Massacre. Officials at Kent State have said that they fear the statue would incite more violence.

November 18, 1892—The Princetonian laments a rash of ticket scalping for intercollegiate sports.
November 19, 1806—A letter to the editor published in today’s issue of Pittsburgh’s Commonwealth identifies four careers for a Princeton student: “divinity, physick, law, and the mere gentleman.” Of these, the writer asserts, only the first two truly require an education.
November 20, 1845—Albert Baldwin Dod (Class of 1822), a popular mathematics professor and the last recorded Princeton professor to own slaves, dies suddenly at the age of 40.

For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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