In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, late frosts mean no butter, employees bring their daughters to work with them for the first time, and more.
April 26, 1790—In a letter to the New York Daily Advertiser, a writer describes unpleasant circumstances in Princeton: “Never was a more truly disagreeable and untoward spring than the present—scarcely a blade of grass to be yet seen in the fields; and nothing but storm upon strum till the earth is glutted. What most afflicts us is the approaching return of the Students from their late vacation. In consequence of the severe frosts, &c. we shall have no butter to give them, so that the college will be under the necessity of recurring in earnest to dry husks of philosophy and stale scraps of logic. God’s will be done.”
April 28, 1993—Princeton celebrates its first “Take Our Daughters to Work Day.”

May 1, 1969—A group of students assaults a pregnant woman, the wife of a faculty member, on Prospect Avenue. Due to what the Dean of the College refers to as the “Gentleman’s Agreement” that keeps local police off Prospect Avenue, the perpetrators will never be criminally charged.
May 2, 1983—Reporters descend on Princeton University to interview current students about their reaction to the news that Brooke Shields has been admitted to the Class of 1987.

For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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