In this week’s installment of our recurring series, Cherokee students draw attention, answering machines are becoming popular, and more.
October 25, 1838—A letter to the editor of the New York Commercial Advertiser praises the Cherokee Nation’s Ross brothers (John McDonald Ross, Class of 1841; William Potter Ross, Class of 1842; and Robert Daniel Ross, Class of 1843). “When these young gentlemen graduate from Princeton, which College they are about to enter, they will indeed be an acquisition to their persecuted nation, for they will have the talent, if I am not mistaken, to vindicate their rights, and eloquently, too, against injustice and oppression.”

October 26, 1984—The Daily Princetonian reports that answering machines are growing in popularity on campus. Those who use them say they appreciate being able to screen calls before answering and being able to call back at a more convenient time.
October 29, 1924—The Class of 1928 poses for the annual “Flour Photo.”
October 30, 1947—A survey of members of recent graduates in the Class of 1947 finds that most have had no trouble finding jobs. Though most have headed into corporate life, journalism, science, the military, or graduate school, one stands out for his unusual path into animal husbandry.
For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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