In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the Board of Trustees bans dueling, the contract for construction of the infirmary is awarded, and more.
April 8, 1917—James Barnes of the Class of 1891 outlines a proposal for privately financing an aviation school to Princeton University’s Committee on Military Instruction.
April 10, 1799—In response to a faculty report about a growing trend of students engaging in duels with one another, the Board of Trustees establishes a new policy. They declare any student caught dueling or attempting to duel be subject to immediate expulsion, promising that they “will never fail to match every instance of this crime with the highest expression of their detestation and abhorrence and to subject the perpetrators to that just and pointed infamy which their aggravated guilt demands.”

April 11, 1892—The Committee on Grounds and Buildings awards the contract for the construction of Isabella McCosh Infirmary to Charles W. Kafer of Trenton. The cost will be $26,300.

April 13, 1929—Members of Princeton’s Theatre Intime in the production of “The Admirable Crichton” are the first men to appear in plays at Bryn Mawr when they join the Varsity Players. They will further break tradition when they attend the first dance ever held at the institution. The Bryn Mawr Bulletin will reflect on this change, “Male collaboration in general is an interesting issue at present, and we incline on the whole to accept the artistic function of the male while keeping his official social function at a minimum.”
For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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