In this week’s installment of our recurring series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, many feel the CPUC’s response to homophobic violence is unsatisfactory, a graduate student vows to sue the town for his disenfranchisement, and more.
March 8, 1802—The Philadelphia Gazette reports that, due to a recent fire in Nassau Hall, classes at Princeton will be suspended until next May or June.
March 9, 1976—Students are not satisfied with the compromise measure passed by the Council on the Princeton University Community that calls for an affirmation of university policies of non-discrimination and protection of freedom of expression but does not address suppression of free expression through violence or affirm non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The CPUC’s action is taken in response to recent targeted acts against the Gay Alliance of Princeton.

March 10, 1890—Students form a “Southern Club” in hopes of reinvigorating the interest of Southerners in attending Princeton. Enrollment of students from the South dropped precipitously during the Civil War and has remained low ever since.

March 13, 1878—William Libbey, Jr., a graduate student at Princeton University, is not allowed to vote because of recently passed legislation barring students from voting. Libbey, who owns property in town and has voted locally for several years, vows to sue town officials for his disenfranchisement.
For the previous installment in this series, click here.
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