Visibility Epidemic: Conversations on AIDS and Queerness at Princeton University, Part II
By Travis York ’23 with April C. Armstrong *14 In this, the second part of the story on AIDS awareness on Princeton University’s campus, we will cover the representation of AIDS and queerness within selected student newspapers and alumni publications. While all of the United States began to discuss AIDS in the 1990s, especially in…
This Week in Princeton History for October 16-22
In this week’s installment of our recurring series, student volunteers attend orientation before engaging in dangerous civil rights work, a senior complains about unwarranted accusations of being a communist, and more. October 18, 1964—Seven Princeton student volunteers attend orientation at the headquarters of the Council of Federated Organizations in Jackson, Mississippi. Philip L. Fetzer ’65…
Visibility Epidemic: Conversations on AIDS and Queerness at Princeton University, Part I
By Travis York ’23 with April C. Armstrong *14 As the first in a two-part series on AIDS at Princeton University, this post will cover the on-campus organizing that occurred surrounding AIDS awareness and prevention in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The second part of this series will focus on related discussions on campus…
This Week in Princeton History for October 9-15
In this week’s installment of our recurring series, a future Princeton University president’s education is interrupted by war, Southern students weigh in on segregation, and more. October 9, 1845—According to the Boston Recorder, “Several horses have died recently at Princeton, N.J., in consequence of eating ‘musty oats.’” October 10, 1941—Graduate student Robert F. Goheen ’40…
This Week in Princeton University History for October 2-8
By April C. Armstrong *14 In this week’s installment of our recurring series, the colonial governor suggests a fundraising trip, popular new software requires further evaluation before being made available on campus, and more. October 2, 1751—New Jersey Governor Jonathan Belcher writes to Aaron Burr to suggest he go on a fundraising tour of Europe…
This Week in Princeton History for September 25-October 1
By April C. Armstrong *14 In this week’s installment of our recurring series, Lafayette is on campus, a sophomore secures an unusual mode of transportation, and more. September 25, 1824— Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, is on campus to receive an honorary L.L.D. in a “temple” constructed for…
This Week in Princeton History for September 18-24
In this week’s installment of our recurring series, a new president formally takes the helm, the Dean of the Graduate School defends an unpopular policy, and more. September 20, 1974—A Pepsi-Cola strike is now in its fourth week, and some of Princeton’s dining halls have run out of the carbon dioxide gas needed to make…
Dear Mr. Mudd: Why Does My Princeton Diploma Spell “University” as “Vniuersitatis”?
By April C. Armstrong *14 on behalf of “Mr. Mudd“ Dear Mr. Mudd, My fiancé just noticed that my Princeton diploma spells “university” in Latin as “Vniuersitatis,” rather than “Universitatis.” We have searched, but haven’t been able to find an explanation for this (nor have we found an alternative Latin spelling). Could you tell us?…
This Week in Princeton History for September 11-17
In this week’s installment of our recurring series, efforts to help sleepless bunnies are helping, Princeton donates a cannon to a scrap metal drive, and more. September 11, 1868—Due to a family illness, James McCosh has delayed sailing for America. September 12, 1980—To solve problems with insomniac lab rabbits, the bunnies at the Biochemical Sciences…
This Week in Princeton History for September 4-10
In this week’s installment of our recurring series, a system is put in place to warn passengers of departing trains, a new student reflects on having a roommate of a different race, and more. September 4, 1868—So people do not miss their trains, a bell will now be rung five minutes before departure from Princeton,…