Annual Report 2011: Major Activities in Public Services
As a continuation of our series on our 2011 Annual Report, please see a description of our major activities in public services: In the past year, the staff of the Mudd Manuscript Library served 1,934 patrons, 212 of whom had visited Mudd prior to FY11 and 777 who were new researchers. We circulated 9,586 items…
Annual Report 2011: Introduction and Summary
As part of our ongoing effort to improve access to our collections and promote awareness of the Mudd Manuscript Library, we are pleased share a series of blog posts drawn from our annual report for fiscal year 2011 (which ran from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011). We share our accomplishments with the hope…
A Princeton Degree For a Yalie: George H.W. Bush Visits Princeton, 1991
On May 10, 1991, President George H.W. Bush came to Princeton’s campus to receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree and dedicate the University’s Social Science Complex. This $20 million dollar project included the newly constructed Bendheim and Fisher Halls, as well as a renovation of Corwin Hall. This Reel Mudd blog post includes video…
Lobby Case Exhibition on Moe Berg
Update — Back by popular demand! The Moe Berg Lobby Case Exhibition can be once again viewed in the lobby of the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library through August 31st, 2012. Primarily known as a Major League catcher and coach, Morris “Moe” Berg was also a spy for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in…
Recent History of the Princeton University Library Catalog
The following essay by Richard J. Schulz, Associate University Librarian for Technical Services, was prepared in conjunction with the announcement that Firestone Library’s card catalog will be disassembled this summer. As the University Archives maintains the historical records of the University Library, we offer this for our patrons’ edification with thanks to the author for…
Lobby Case Exhibition on Moe Berg
Primarily known as a Major League catcher and coach, Morris “Moe” Berg was also a spy for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in World War II, as well as a lawyer, linguist, and Princeton graduate. As a member of the class of 1923, Berg excelled scholastically and athletically by graduating with honors in Modern…
New Public Policy Accessions: May – June 2011
There’s a scene in a documentary about the French philosopher Jacques Derrida where Derrida visits UC Irvine (where he had donated his personal papers). The philosopher, going through the rows of newly-processed collections, comments that the gray archival boxes on the shelves look like little gravestones. For someone whose best-known axiom was that "there is…
Costigliola selected to edit Kennan Diaries
Noted diplomatic historian Frank Costigliola of the University of Connecticut has been selected to edit the diaries of George F. Kennan, the renowned 20th century diplomat, historian, and public intellectual. Professor Costigliola holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University and is the author of the forthcoming Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances: How Personal Politics Helped Start the Cold…
University Records Manager Creates Blog
Attention Mudd blog readers — Princeton University Records Manager Anne Marie Phillips has created a new blog. Titled Just For The Records and located at http://blogs.princeton.edu/justrecords/, her blog will help University departments and offices manage their records and information in ways that make work easier, ensure compliance with Princeton’s information management goals and responsibilities, and…
“Princeton: A Search for Answers,” 1973
During a morning session of the President’s Conference in the early 1970s, a member of the student panel told the assembled alumni that she had come to Princeton “not to find a way of making a living, but instead to find a way of making a life.” Filmmakers Julian Krainin and DeWitt Sage used this…